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The pros and cons of programming in Swift 2020

With Objective-C, there are many issues that cause app crashes. Swift provides code that is less error-prone because of its inline support for manipulating text strings and data. Additionally, classes aren’t divided into two parts; the interface and the implementation. This cuts the number of files in the project in half, which makes it much easier to handle. The core of the SWIFT business resides in providing a secure, reliable, and scalable network for the smooth movement of messages.

Another large change is that method calls do not nest inside each other resulting in bracket hell — bye-bye, [[]]. It provides consistent, rich and structured data that can be used for every kind of financial business transaction. If the sender provides incorrect data for the transfer (and, thus, the transfer won’t reach the recipient), he will be charged additional costs by banks to clarify the recipient’s details. With the help of a SWIFT transfer, you can make transactions in any currency and to any bank in the world. However, its implementation takes longer than a regular online transfer, on average about 3 working days.

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We will share the features and characteristics that Swift utilizes to the best effect. It is a must-have − the init() method is the designated initializer for a class, and it is necessary for creating an object of that class. It is called automatically when an object is created using the class’s constructor. In this scenario, you can create an object of the class by calling the constructor without any parameters. In the world of iOS development, there are many architectural patterns to choose from.

MyStandards, a collaborative web platform to better manage global standards and related market practice. Our collaborative solutions meet the challenges of financial crime compliance, and help to reduce cost, complexity and risk. When projects becomes huge, long build times can decrease productivity massively.

The type inferencing system and string interpolation mitigate a common source of crashes that are common in Objective-C. Swift relieves you from bookkeeping work, translating into less code to write (code that is now less error-prone) because of its inline support for manipulating text strings and data. Treasury plays a crucial role in supporting financial objectives and informing strategic decisions. This is just a simple syntax for using the For-In method with iPhone app development language – Swift. Swift is one programming language whose code is easiest to read and write.

Advantages of Swift

This means Swift can evolve faster than iOS, which is a requirement for a modern programming language. Changes to the libraries are included with the latest update of an app on the App Store, and everything simply works. It reduces the initial size of an app by linking the external codes on use-basis.

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With Swift, namespaces are based on the target that a code file belongs to. This means programmers can differentiate classes or values using the namespace identifier. It greatly facilitates incorporating open source projects, frameworks, and libraries into your code. The namespaces enable different software companies to create the same code filenames without worrying about collisions when integrating open source projects. Now both Facebook and Apple can use an object code file called FlyingCar.swift without any errors or build failures.

Advantages of Swift

However, if you also need to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Xcode will turn into a simple text editor lacking instruments available with Objective-C and Swift. Swift is young, which is why smaller apps can get around updates much easier. In the cons section, we mentioned that rewriting your program with each version release may be a struggle, so until this issue is fully fixed, you wouldn’t want to risk long lists of changes. If you have to maintain a functioning application that is written in Objective-C and has a substantial code base, it just doesn’t make sense to rewrite it in Swift. Swift was introduced to the world in 2014, which seems to be long ago, but the language itself is really only 7 years old, compared to Objective C live since the 1980s. The recent update brought ABI stability across Apple’s platforms, backward compatibility of Swift versions, and renewed documentation.


As we mentioned earlier, Swift supports all Apple platforms, as well as Linux and Windows. However, it was originally created and still works best for native iOS development, leaving the cross-platform market to React Native, Xamarin, and Flutter. While the Swift community is growing fast, it is still significantly smaller as compared to any other open source language. According to the latest StackOverflow Developer Survey, only 5.1 percent of the 83,053 respondents use Swift. It means that if you decide to create your next project using Swift, you might struggle with finding developers that are experienced enough with it.

  • But Swift allows you to return multiple values from functions using tuples, returned as a single entity from a function.
  • There are millions of apps in the App Store using UIKit and it doesn’t make sense to migrate existing code to SwiftUI.
  • This crash remains on the line of code with the nil pointer optional value and forces the iPhone app developer to resolve the bug right away.
  • In addition to faster development time, you get a product that is future-proof and can be extended with new features as needed.
  • In older languages, developers would have to manually allocate the memory and use memory declarations for classes, arrays, and objects.

Comments can include Markdown syntax to add rich text and embedded images that display in Xcode’s Quick Help. And new syntax features combined with improvements to the Cocoa frameworks and Objective-C will make your code more expressive, and even safer. Swift may not be as developed or as supported as older languages, leaving some new to the language needing some additional resources.

While there seem to be so many reasons to love Swift, the language is still far from perfect. Many developers and business owners are overly cautious when it comes to switching to the new language. Indeed, with the strong corporate support from Apple and IBM, Swift has quickly gained one of the most active and vibrant open source communities.

Introduction to Swift

There many advantages to programming in Swift, beyond the creation of iPhone apps. Relatively small following – despite its number of fans growing, Swift still has a relatively small circle of coders who work with it. Again, as the language grows, more and more developers will start using it. As of now, it provides a complete UIKit and AppKit interoperability, giving you the flexibility to adopt SwiftUI in the existing project. Concerning the latest version of Swift, consider running through official guides on the latest 5.5 version.

Advantages of Swift

That’s when Swift has gone on to get the support of top programming developers. Its initial release got mixed reviews but it went on to improve itself. When Swift 4.0 was released in 2017, the language was deployed actively in iOS development while building more desktop apps for OSX.

Wrapping up with the best of Swift Programming Language

Unlike in Objective-C, in Swift, the optional types and value types make it explicitly clear in the method definition if the value exists or if it has the potential to be optional . Xcode and the LLVM compiler can figure out dependencies and perform incremental builds automatically in Swift 1.2. As a result, the repetitive task of separating the table of contents from the body is a thing of the past.

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The fact that Apple is more likely to support Swift than Objective-C should also get serious consideration for long-term investment. This could be considered a positive and a negative but Swift’s age sometimes negatively impacts it. Swift has only been around since 2014 while Objective-C has been in use since the 1980s. Fortunately, Apple has realized this and its most recent update goes a long way toward addressing the gap. The new update brings ABI stability across all of Apple’s platforms. In addition, it also includes backward compatibility of Swift versions along with improved documentation.

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For me as a long term iOS developer, it’s very exciting to use a completely new technolgy for developing apps. As explained in the last paragraph, switching from imperative to declarative programming is a huge deal. Dynamic libraries are executable codes that help to link one version of the Swift app to different versions of the app. In fact, the latest news by Google about its new upcoming operating system, Fuschia to support Apple’s Swift programming language.

However, Swift iOS programming language provided a lot of advantages to developers, including a more modern way of working and coding. Being widely used for decades has earned Obj-C a solid place among the world’s leading programming languages. Furthermore, the extensive development that it has experienced over time has made it well-rounded, stable, and reliable. There is an abundance of open-source objective c and swift code, libraries, documentation, and tutorials available for the language, while performance is time-tested and stable. However, VIPER architecture can be complex and time-consuming to set up, which can be challenging for small or simple applications. The use of protocols can also be challenging for developers who are new to iOS development or are unfamiliar with object-oriented programming.

Swift takes a lot of useful components from Objective-C while also bringing a whole new host of features, allowing developers to write safer, more reliable code. It has quickly become the leading programming language for creating engaging, user-friendly mobile apps. It is simple and easy to use in comparison to other older languages. In addition, this language is designed to work across the entire Apple ecosystem. This means you can use it to write programs for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and even Linux apps.

At the same time, the language was listed among the top 10 “most wanted” technologies. Backed up by one of the most influential tech companies in the world, Swift is set to become the dominant language for iOS development and beyond.


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